Milwaukee, WI
In 1994, the engineers at the City of Milwaukee’s Department of Public Works determined a need to supply the growing city of Milwaukee with additional water storage for future capacities. The Department specified an AWWA D110 Type III wire-wound prestressed water storage tank as the optimal solution because of the inherent long life span, durability, and negligible need for maintenance.
Preload was selected as the preferred tank builder to construct the 12.0 MG AWWA D110 Type III water storage tank. This prestressed concrete tank has a side water depth of 36’ and an inside diameter of 238’. Its exterior features architectural precast concrete pilasters and a concrete parapet wall.
Preload constructed a similar 12 MG tank in 1962 for the City of Milwaukee that remains in continuous service. Preload has been designing and constructing tanks since 1930 and takes pride in its standing as a leader in the industry.