Brewer, ME
Brewer is located in Penobscot County, Maine, and is the sister city of Bangor. These sister cities are located on opposite sides of the Penobscot River. The City of Brewer hired consulting engineers CDM Smith Inc., Providence, RI, to address additional water storage needs for the community. After researching available alternatives, the project team specified an AWWA D110 Type III prestressed concrete water storage tank because of its long-term durability and negligible maintenance requirements. The team selected Preload as the preferred tank builder.
Built in 2004, this Preload prestressed concrete standpipe holds 1.56 MG of water and provides reliable and durable storage to the water supply system. The standpipe has an inside diameter of 62’ and a side water depth of 69’. Its dome roof allows for excellent run-off during the rainy summers and snowy winters experienced in this region of the country.